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Nestled between the Qiantang River and Jade Emperor Hill, the village of Yuhuang Shannan feels a world removed from the surrounding metropolis of Hangzhou. The city of 9 million is hectic and loud, while this gated community—on the same site where emperors in the Song dynasty prayed for good harvests centuriesago—is quiet and green, exuding the feeling of a laid-back, high-end oasis.
Like Greenwich, Conn., the leafy town an hour’s drive north of Wall Street, Yuhuang Shannan, about an hour from Shanghai by high-speed train, has become a big hit with the hedge fund crowd. So big, in fact, that local authorities turned the entire village—until recently a hub for the design industry—into an exclusive enclave for China’s aspiring masters of the universe.
Inside, villa-style office buildings offer rows of trading terminals and waterfront views. There’s a private elementary school partly staffed by non-Chinese teachers, a modern medical center, and a club for after-work schmoozing—-all designed with discerning financiers in mind. Even local government officials are eager to please, standing ready to help the funds raise cash from state-run investors and navigate the bureaucracy.
It’s no wonder more than 1,000 hedge funds and private equity funds, overseeing a combined 580 billion yuan ($84 billion), have registered in the village since its official rebranding in May 2015 as, straightforwardly enough, Yuhuang Shannan Fund Town. With subsidies amounting to 30 percent of a typical firm’s tax bill adding to the area’s appeal, Yuhuang Shannan now boasts one of China’s largest hedge fund clusters outside the megacities of Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen.
In many ways, the evolution of Yuhuang Shannan mirrors that of the entire country. The area was used mostly for farmland until the 20th century, when industrialization brought factories and warehouses. About a decade ago the local government made a big push into services, promoting the area first as a tourism zone and then as a design hub.

Whenever somebody talks about Hangzhous tea, Longjing tea is the first name that springs to mind.

It comes in flakes roughtly the size of sugar in the raw. To prepare, you first mash a spoonful of the powder in cold water to make a paste, then quickly stir while pouring in a cupful of boiling water. As you stir, the opaque powder becomes a transparent gel. The desired result is a bowl of light brown translucent jelly, which you eat with sugar either hot or cold. If you mess up this step, you end up with a white, sticky inedible mess thats powdery in the middle. The flavor is slightly herbaceous, like Chinese medicine. The texture is like slightly melted, mashed up Jell-O. You can make it extra thick and it will cool into a solid pudding, or you can make it very thin and sip it slowly.
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双语 | 中国特色的词也可以用“大白话”翻!
翻译讨论 | “生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方”。
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