

The house sits on the southeast slope of Ullastrell, a tranquil village about 45 minutes from Barcelona. An old concrete mass wall contains the inclined terrain, which is 4 meters high above the street. We chose to preserve it and reinterpret it as a plinth for the new building. The house, for a couple, must be comfortable, economical and expandable in the future. We propose the program as an addition of rooms that are juxtaposed parallel to the direction of the street, thus occupying as little space as possible on the ground.The outer space, partially inclined, takes shape as a result of the position occupied by the house on the ground and especially its relationship with the boundary defined by the large existing wall.
▼住宅大门从现存的混凝土夯土墙中切出,右侧是停车库入口;house gate gouges part of the existing concrete wall,and the garage entrance locates on the right
▼场地斜坡导致外部空间的一部分是倾斜的,the sloped site makes part of the exterior space inclined
▼设计推演分析图,the design deduction diagrams
Built with load walls, the house is projected in two directions. Longitudinally, the sequence of rooms dilutes the general limits of the interior space, emphasized at the same time by the continuous structural rhythm of the unidirectional slab. In the transverse direction, we looked for maximum permeability from the outside through each of the domestic spaces, to promote the entrance of the sun, cross ventilation and the constant visual relationship with the environment.The main rooms of the house make sense as a sum of small spaces, where each room is complemented with other spaces of size and proportion suitable for its use.
▼住宅正面的露台,从这里可以清晰地看到室内空间由一些列小空间组成,配合开窗形成鲜明的序列感;on the back terrace one can clearly see that the interior spaces are made from a series of small spaces, and the door windows help to emphasize the order from the exterior
▼客厅,the living room
▼客厅一侧面向露台打开,使得室内光线充裕;the living room opens up to the outdoor terrace, making the interior full of daylight
▼厨房,the kitchen
▼厨房一侧的餐厅,the dinning area on the other side of the kitchen
▼壁炉细节,details of the fireplace
▼走道是交通空间的同时也是每个房间的一部分,一系列墙壁区分房间;the walkway is circulation space but also part of each room that made from a series of walls
▼另一侧的走到空间使得室内交通空间形成循环流线,楼梯下的部分空间做成了一个书房空间;the walkway on the other side makes the circular circulation possible and part of the space under the staircase is transformed into a study space
▼儿童游戏房,children’s playroom
▼卧室一览,bedroom overview
▼通向二层的楼梯间,the staircase leads to the second floor
▼贯穿住宅的视线成为主要设计概念,the design concept is bases on the continuous view that crosses through the house
▼设计轴测图,the axonometric drawing
▼首层平面,the first floor plan
▼地下层平面,the underground floor plan
▼街道立面,street level facade
▼住宅正立面,the house facade
▼住宅后立面,the back elevation
▼住宅侧立面,the side elevation
▼剖面,the sections


