
stable是什么意思_also the work is very stable 是什么意思

also the work is very stable 是什么意思

also the work is very stable 是什么意思also the work is very stable而且工作非常稳定.为你解答,如有帮助请采护迹篙克蕻久戈勋恭魔纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


existence空白什么意思existence英[gzstns]美[ɡzstns]n.存在,实在掸辅侧恍乇喝岔桶唱垃; 生活,生活方式; 实体,存在物网络生存; 存在; 存在,生存复数:existences 1Denial of the Mafias existence is nothing new.否认黑手党的存在并不是什么新鲜事。 2Nobody ever questions this movement toward automotive giganticism because it is like the existence of gravity: an incontestable law of nature.从不曾有人质疑过这一汽车巨型化运动。因为在人们眼里,这种现象就像重力的存在一样:属于毋庸置疑的自然法则。


irrisistable什么意思irresistible英 [rzstbl] 美 [rzstbl]adj.不可抗拒; 无法抗拒的; 不可阻挡; 诱惑人的,具有非常的魅力的;[网络]不可抗拒的; 不可抵抗; 不可挽回的;[例句]“ The Potter franchise is just irresistible to movie涪穿帝费郜渡佃杀顶辑goers,” said Paul, president of box-office tracker Exhibitor Relations.哈利·波特对于喜欢看电影的人来说是不可抗拒的,哈利·波特丛书和观众对哈里波特电影的钟爱共同促成了这个票房收入可观的周末。[其他]形近词: irresistibly

assistant registrar是什么意思

assistant registrar是什么意思assistant registrar的中文翻译assistant registrar助理司法常务官双语护缉篙垦蕻旧戈驯恭沫例句1Assistant to Registrar: Fluent English and Shanghai dialect with strong administrative skills in languages, excellent organisational ability and strong work ethic.注册主任助理:会说流利的英语和上海话,具有较强的管理沟通,组织协调能力和良好的职业道德。2Registrar grade is also set up in a county official status, and the Registrar in the county within the more stable position, order has been in the county magistrate s assistant, Xian Wei.3.The Song Dynasty County Registrar of elective, salary.主簿品级的设置也是其在一县官员中地位的体现,而且宋代主簿在县内的地位比较稳定,序位一直是在县丞之下,县尉之上。三、宋代县主簿的选任、俸禄。

frequency response range什么意思

frequency response range什么意思frequency response range英[fri:kwnsi rispns reind]美[f粻储纲肥蕺堵告瑟梗鸡rikwnsi rspɑns rend]释义[机]频率响应范围例句It features wide frequency response range, powerfull functions, high accuracy, stable synchronization and fully automatic operation.特点是:频响宽、功能强、精度高、同步稳、全自动。

passing bay是什么意思

passing bay是什么意思passing bay_翻译passing bay[词典]让车道;[网络]错车道;[例句]In the late 1990s, the road was converted into a dual carriageway and redirected to avoid passing through urban areas of Herne Bay and Whitstable.90年代末,这条公路改建成为双行车道来重新使用,以避免车辆通过赫恩湾和惠斯泰布尔市区。

i want a stable happinees什么意思?

i want a stable happinees什么意思?i want a stable笭窢蒂喝郦估垫台叮郡 happinees意思是:我希望能长久的幸福


并校正水平,使机器更稳定的翻译是:什么意思And called water control usu碃触百吠知杜版森保缉ally active, more stable.


反而是我比以前稳重多了的翻译是:什么意思翻译如下反而是我比以前稳重多了I肠碃斑度职道办权暴护nstead, Im a lot more stable than I used to


